Swan Song Wiki
Andonian Armed Forces Remnant Assets
Asset W/C/F HP Type Attack Counter Notes Hex System Planet
Base Of Influence Any 11 Special None None InfoBase of Influence assets are special, and are required for purchasing or upgrading units on a particular world. Any damage done to a Base of Influence is also done to a faction’s hit points. The cost of a Base of Influence equals its maximum hit points, which can be any number up to the total maximum hit points of its owning faction. A faction’s bases of influence don’t count against their maximum assets. A Base of Influence can only be purchased with the “Expand Influence” action, and not with a normal “Buy Asset” action 407 Gunnhild Andoni 
Postech Infantry Force 7 / 12 Military Unit FvF, 1d8 1d8 InfoPostech Infantry are the backbone of most planetary armies. These well-trained soldiers are usually equipped with mag weaponry and combat field uniforms, and have heavy support units attached. 407 Gunnhild Andoni
Last Updated After GM Turn #13
Andonian Armed Forces Remnant Destroyed Assets
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Asset W/C/F HP Type Attack Counter Notes Last Hex Last System Last Planet Turn Destroyed Reason Destroyed
Postech Infantry Force 0 Military Unit FvF, 1d8 1d8 InfoPostech Infantry are the backbone of most planetary armies. These well-trained soldiers are usually equipped with mag weaponry and combat field uniforms, and have heavy support units attached. 407 Gunnhild Andoni #11 ReasonDestroyed by Republic of Cabral's Organization Moles. 
Harvesters Wealth 0 Facility None None InfoHarvesters gather the natural resources of a world, whether ore, biologicals, or other unprocessed natural goods. As an action, the Harvesters’ owning faction may roll 1d6. On 4+, one FacCred is gained. 407 Gunnhild Andoni #12 ReasonDestroyed by Republic of Cabral in December 3200
Last Updated After GM Turn #13
Andonian Armed Forces Remnant Assets Turn Info
Turn: Info:
13 Postech Infantry Damaged from full HP to 7
Last Updated After GM Turn #13